Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prediction? .... PAIN !

There is a great scene from the movie Rocky III that comes to mind just now. Rocky’s mega-muscled and mo-hawked opponent for the big fight, a character named “Clubber” played by the then unknown actor, “Mr. T,” was asked by a reporter, “What’s your prediction for tonight’s fight?” Clubber gives a scowl and snarls, “Prediction? Pain!” Last week I promised my predictions for 2010. I am, however, somewhat conflicted about that since I know that on the one hand, I want to give you my honest view, but on the other, the Bible tells us not to worry but instead to pray and focus on those things which are good, right, true, pure, lovely, excellent and praise-worthy. How can I do both things at once? Thankfully, Jesus gave me a pattern to follow. He told his followers the hard truths. Pulling no punches, He told them about drastic and painful things to come: his own crucifixion, earthquakes, famines, wars, and persecution. He also gave his disciples hope and specific directions on how to find and grasp that hope! So here goes…

In my humble, and very human, opinion, here are some things that I think may happen in 2010:
*Early in 2010, the Iranian nuclear missile crisis will really become a crisis! Look for Israel to act and the world to react strongly against Israel in return.
*The U.S. economy will continue to decline and there will be great internal division. Higher unemployment, higher taxes, higher anxiety.
*Saudi Arabia, Russia, the E.U. and a Middle Eastern consortium will call for the U.S. dollar to be replaced as the world’s “reserve currency.” This will cause a sharp drop in the value of the dollar and further damage the already weak U.S. economy.
*Saudi Arabia will be drawn into conflict with other Muslim nations. Look for tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran to increase significantly. Saudi Arabia may, in fact, be the woman of Rev. 17 who rides on the beast, (the religion of Islam). The beast eventually destroys her. (Rev.17:16)
*Turkey will continue to rise in prominence and be looked to as the only nation who can bring peace and stability in the Middle East and the Muslim world. Look for a charismatic leader here.
*Terrorism and violence will increase: more shoe-bombers and underwear-bombers and you-name-it-bombers. There will be repeats of the Ft. Hood Massacre in diverse locations perpetrated mainly by Islamic Jihadists, but also random violence from others also under Satan’s control.
*Each night the news will feature the following names: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and a host of others, Islamic nations all.
*You will hear the word “global” a LOT.
*Eastern peoples will turn to Islam. Western peoples will turn to alcohol, drugs, pornography and sex; they will turn away from God and His Word and they will turn against Christians and the name of Jesus. The media will continually ridicule Christ and His followers.
*America will continue to drift into Socialism. Personal freedom and responsibility will be diminished, while the “collective good” as determined by Washington will be exalted.
*Abortion and homosexuality will increase and find increased acceptance and “legal” protections. The traditional family will become an oddity.

Had enough yet? My prognostications for 2010 sound a lot like Clubber’s prediction: PAIN! But out of this pain, the true church will become purified, stronger and more passionate about Christ. Many will repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. We will learn to trust God above all things - that our only hope is Christ! Jesus said it this way: “I have told you these things so that you would not go astray” and “In me you may have peace” and that “your joy might be full!” So let’s “Fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, commit ourselves to our faithful Creator and continue to do good. “Prepare for action! Be self-controlled. Set your hope fully on the grace that will be given to us when Jesus is revealed!” (1Peter 1:13)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Abiding in the Fields

Note to readers: in my next article appearing the first week of January, I will make my predictions for 2010, but for now enjoy a brief re-telling of an event that happened 2010 years ago, an event that changed everything for everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Abiding in the Fields

t was cold that night and unusually bright. Grandpa and I lay on the ground near the gate looking intently into the night sky at a star that neither he nor I had ever noticed before. Strange! Grandpa had gazed at the stars for many years, first as a boy himself, then with my dad and now with me, but always taking care of the sheep. Could it be that a brand new star had appeared - a star that even Grandpa had never seen? The sheep seemed restless, stirring around. The mamma ewes sniffed their babies and nuzzled them close. Then suddenly a bright light shone all around us. I was frozen scared. I jumped to my feet clutching my staff. Then I saw it… I mean… him.

He was clothed in a brightly shining robe. It was, well, it was… an angel, and he said “Do not be afraid.” I heard the Rabbi tell a story once of an angel that appeared to Gideon, and every spring Daddy reads us the story of the Passover Angel, but I never thought I would ever see one. And not just one! There were thousands of them that appeared singing praises to God. They said a baby had been born and that “Peace” was on the earth. Grandpa says “peace” will come from this child because the Angel told him the child was “a Savior” and that he was “Christ the Lord.” Many a night Grandpa had told me that the Christ, the Messiah, would come and rescue us, a Deliverer greater than Moses would appear. And now He has been born! So we are going into Bethlehem as fast as we can to find this child.

My heart is beating so loud I think it’s going to come out of my chest! After seeing the angels and hearing their voices, it’s hard to imagine something more exciting than that! But, I know that the world is going to be different because of this child. Somehow I know that my life is never going to be the same, that meeting the Savior will be the biggest, most important moment of my life. And not just for me. The most important thing anybody will ever do is meet the Messiah. I sure hope people figure that out.