Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Do I Really Know?

Life gets complicated, doesn’t it? From time to time, (in fact very often!) things get so….

a.) Hectic; b.) Overwhelming; c.) Hopeless; d.) All of the above… that you just want to scream and pull your hair out! Well, maybe that’s a little over-dramatic, but you know what I mean. Everyday life can grind you down: babies crying, bills to be paid, kids going off to college, even 40 days of 100 degree temps can get pretty overwhelming. Then there are those “crisis” moments when it truly seems the world is collapsing all around you – to use the words of the psalmist, when “the mountains tremble and the oceans roar” or when I feel as though “I am sinking into the depths of hell, the cords of death are wrapped around me dragging me down!” The world around us is constantly in a state of panic, and not without good reason: wars, financial meltdowns, political turmoil, strikes, lock-outs, etc. etc. etc. Sometimes terrible feelings of fear, doom and panic can engulf us too. When a loved one dies; when a diagnosis of cancer comes; when a spouse announces that they are leaving; when a false accusation threatens to destroy your family; when a bleak reality stares you in the face that seems to leave no acceptable options – in times like these, what we need to ask ourselves is this: What do I really know? What are the BIG truths that never change that can sustain me now? The answers to these questions are what give the believer hope when the world has none. So what do you really know, not just think, or wish for, or agree with, but really, really, in the marrow of your bones know?

Do you know that…

God is in control; that He loves you and will never leave you and that His plan is best?

Jesus proved His love by dying on the cross for you and paying the price for your sins?

Because of what he did, you are God’s child, chosen, dearly loved and fully forgiven?

You died with Him and have been raised to new life in Him?

You are a new creation - God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works?

He is more than able to do far above anything we could ever ask, think or imagine?

We have peace with God and are seated with him in the Heavenly realms?

He has given us authority over all the power of the evil one?

We will live forever with Him and when we see Him we shall be like Him?

He is coming soon to redeem all things, establish His kingdom and make all things new?

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:4-7)