Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wake Up and Smell the Rat

Two big things in NY at the UN this week affecting Israel and thereby the whole world:
A. the "Durban 2 Conference on Racism," where Israel will be villified and branded as the root of all evil. and
B. a vote in UN Security Council to grant the Palestinian Authority a new status in the UN as an "observer state" (which is the same status that the vatican has) which is a big step towards the UN granting the PA full statehood, a vote on which is being pushed for 2012. (This just  in... The Palestinian Authority this week announced that on Friday, September 23rd it will formally submit its bid for full membership in the United Nations. A General Assembly vote would likely go overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians.)
All this to pressure Isael to give over more land, (e.g. the West bank, Golan Hts., Gaza, and East Jerusalem... they already gave up the Sinai),  in exchange for "peace."
Some notes on these so-called "land for peace deals"
1.Where was Abraham when God said , “To your offspring I will give this land?”
Shechem/Nablus (Gen. 12:6)

2. Where are Abraham and Sarah buried?
Kiriath Arba/Hebron (Gen 23:1,17)

3. Where are Isaac and Rebekah buried?
Kiriath Arba/Hebron (Gen. 49:29-33)

4. Where are Jacob and Leah buried?
Kiriath Arba/Hebron (Gen. 49:29-33)

5.Where is Rachel buried?
Bethlehem (Gen. 35:19)

6. Where was Jacob when he had the dream of angels climbing and descending on a ladder and heard God say  "I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying?'
Luz/Bethel/Beitin (Gen. 28:19)  Jacob also heard God re-affirm his promise “I will give this land to your descendants “ at this same location many years later. (Gen. 35:12-14)

7. Where is Joseph’s tomb?
Nablus (Joshua 44:32) He died and was embalmed in Egypt (Gen. 50:26) 400 years later, Israel comes out of Egypt with Joseph’s bones (Ex.13:19) and they bury him here 50 years later!

8. On which two mountains did the returning descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob make the covenant of Blessings and Curses after the Exodus?
Mt. Gerazim & Ebal (Dt. 29-30)

9. What modern city is located between these two mountains?

10. Where is the Covenant confirmed to Joshua with the words “So, I give you this land?”
Shechem/ Nablus (Josh. 24:13)

Now, Which of these locations were granted by the U.N. as part of the 1948 establishment of Israel? Answer: NONE!  All were gained by Israel in the 6-day war and  all are in the land that they are now being pressured to relinquish - the land that God explicitly says is theirs.

The prophet Joel speaks of a time of coming judgment on the nations of the world sue to their treatment of Israel in accordance with His everlasting covenant with Abraham to "bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" (Gen . 12:3)  "I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land." (Joel 3:2)

Note the final phrase ....judgment is coming due the "nations" ... "dividing God's land !"

...wakey wakey
