Thursday, March 25, 2010

This date in my history

On March 25th, 1988, I drove along a dusty country road where I had an unexpected life changing experience. I needed some sheet rock nails for a project I was working on, so I grabbed my two young sons and we jumped in the truck for the short three mile ride into town where we’d planned to hit the hardware store for some nails and the drug store for a couple bottles of pop. We never made it. A mile and half east of our farm, we ran into some loose sand on the road and were pulled into the ditch where our truck rolled over three times. On the first flip, I went through the driver’s door window and was thrown 65 feet. The truck continued slamming over and over, rolling towards the spot where I lay until, just before it rolled over me, it settled and stopped. My two sons, who were only 4 and 2 years old at the time, were not buckled into car seats or even wearing seat belts, yet miraculously they were uninjured and still on the floor of the truck. My four year old crawled through the only remaining opening of the crushed vehicle, a small outlet where the passenger door window had been, then helped his younger brother crawl out, and began the long walk home because they thought I was dead. I had crushed the 10th thoracic vertebrae in my back, my ribs on my left side were broken, and I was bleeding into my chest. Two hospitals later it was determined that I had torn the aorta in my heart and that I needed immediate open-heart surgery. I was placed in an air ambulance and flown 150 miles to a modernly equipped hospital for the operation. Something happened on the way to the hospital. As people were praying, God was listening. When I arrived, the trauma surgeon could not find any problems with my heart. She drained my chest, sewed me up and 11 days later I walked out of the hospital. I believe in miracles because I am one. Jesus saved me. If you are a believer He saved you too. Maybe not from an accident like this one, but He saved you from certain death just the same. Each of our rescues from the pit of hell is a tale even more worthy of re-telling. Do your family and friends know your salvation story? I’m thankful for my life, and I’ll tell you who I owe it to and who I’m living it for, it’s the One who saved me – Jesus.

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