Thursday, September 6, 2012

Who Should I Vote For?

Who Should I vote for?

Well, I’m certainly not going to tell you! But I would like to suggest some things to think about before you make up your mind. First of all, God is sovereign and He determines the future of this nation and all nations. “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever! Wisdom and power belong to Him. He changes times and season; He sets up rulers and deposes them.” (Dan. 2:21) God has all authority. Earthly rulers, whether they are wicked or righteous, have authority only because God allows them to have it, in order that He might bring about His ultimate will. Jesus said to Pilate, (certainly not a God-honoring ruler!) “You would have no authority over me except that it was given to you from above.” (John 19:11) God put Pharaoh in a position of power so that he would refuse Moses’ requests for freedom and God could humble Egypt and deliver Israel. Later God brought judgment upon Judah through the wicked king Nebuchadnezzar whom God called “My servant.” (Jer. 27:6) Even though Nebuchadnezzar worshipped idols and false gods, God used him - and He will use our new leaders to fulfill His purposes on earth, whether those purposes are to bring judgment or to bring blessing.

So, am I telling you not to vote? Does God’s sovereignty over the election mean that we have no choice in the matter – that we are excluded from the process? NO! Just as God’s sovereignty in man’s salvation does not exclude us from evangelism, neither does God’s ultimate authority over rulers and leaders remove our need to participate in the electoral process. God desires to bring about His will through the obedience of His people. So get educated, ask God for direction and discernment, then vote…then pray some more! Here are some factors I will be considering and that I ask you to think through before you vote:

What will be the candidate’s attitudes and policies towards the nation of Israel? Why is this so important? Because God has made an everlasting covenant with the descendants of Jacob to give them the “Promised Land” of Israel. (That’s why it’s called the “promised” land - get it? God promised it to them!) Any nation or leader who supports Israel will be blessed and any nation or leader who opposes Israel will be cursed. (Gen. 12:3) God promises to prosper those who love Israel. (Ps. 122:6) So our government’s policies toward Israel have a direct impact on our national well-being. Does the candidate understand or underestimate the threat of radical Islam? Radical Islam poses the greatest threat to peace and security since Adolph Hitler and perhaps even greater, because now, not only are we facing an cruel enemy of ideology but one that is fueled by the spirit of anti-Christ. (1John 4:1-3) These next few years will be pivotal for American survival. If you think I’m overstating the matter, you aren’t paying attention! Great Britain is on the verge of falling from within because of the tremendous influx of Islamic influence there. Most of Europe no longer has the spiritual foundation to stand against it. America still has the spiritual strength and material wherewithal and backbone to resist it, but for how long? Our next President will face a nuclear-armed Iran headed by a radical Islamist leader. He must understand the threat.

Does the candidate want our laws to reflect God’s law? Will they therefore appoint judges who uphold the legal protection of human life, and the sanctity of marriage? One needs only to read through the books of 1st and 2nd Kings to see that when the national leader followed God’s standards the nation was blessed, but when the king turned away from God, the nation suffered. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!” (Ps. 33:12) Does the candidate’s personal integrity and moral character put them in a position to receive God’s blessing, guidance and direction; and do they even seek these things? Look at the reigns of King David and Solomon to see the effects of personal moral failure on a nation. God will not sustain a leader or a nation who disobeys Him.

What are the candidate’s core principles that drive their decisions? Are they trying to please men or God? Answer these questions and you’ll have an answer to the question at the top of the page.

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