Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Morning After

What last night was, was a revealing - a clarification. We now know things that we (I) didn’t see clearly enough before. Just like the disciples knew who Jesus was, yet they thought he was going to establish His kingdom on earth. They didn’t see it till later- till it was revealed.  Of course, we know better - that His blessed kingdom on earth won’t happen till he returns and all the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ - but in our hearts we hoped for America to be that godly nation -like they hoped it would be Israel then.  At least we held out the naïve notion that it could be, it might be, because maybe, just maybe still, a majority of our fellow citizens loved the constitution, feared God,  held to a biblical morality and weren’t blind to all the lies of the devil.  Sadly, today we know different.  Clearly, America has lost connection with her roots, she has cast aside God, His Word and His ways. Three more states legalized “gay marriage,” two states legalized recreational marijuana use, one state elected an openly gay senator, while another opened the door to tax-payer funded abortions. The national results show us ourselves. It is a mirror held up to our soul.  We just did not want to see the America we so love like that, but sadly America is "the world" in all its rebellious sinfulness.

But this new clarity can serve His kingdom…If we will let it. The difficulty ahead might actually accomplish His purpose!  It will purify us. Hopefully motivate us. Surely, we can no longer have one foot in His kingdom and one foot in the world, thinking that we can be non-offensive to both.  While I hate the result, it might turn more people to Christ than might have happened if it went the other way. If so, then Praise be!  In any case God reigns. Our job is still the same. Perhaps we see it clearer now. I know I do. I think darkness IS coming. What lies ahead looks dire. But did not the Lord tell us, “In this world we will have trouble.....”  The world hates me, it will hate you too?”  Has not this been the yoke that Christendom has born since its inception? Is this not the suffering that Christ calls us to?  I can’t pretend that I like to either say or hear that….  but…. That’s not the end of the story. Yes, in this world we WILL have trouble… but TAKE COURAGE Jesus has overcome the world! I know whom I have believed, and am fully persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed, (i.e. all that I am, all that I have and all that I love) unto Him until THAT DAY!  


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